Launch of Xpert Training

We excited to announce today the launch of Xpert Training – With the economy suffering, the job market has never been so competitive. Potential employees need to stand out from the crowd if they hope to secure a position. Alternatively, many individuals are turning to self-employment, creating their own position. With this in mind,… Read more…

Economic Damage of the Pandemic

The pandemic has had a detrimental effect on the vast majority of businesses, to put it lightly. The enforcement of lockdowns and social distancing has fundamentally changed the way in which customers interact with companies. We have already seen many businesses, both small and large, make cut-backs, reduce staff and in some cases, stop trading… Read more…

How to Understand Company Accounts

For some business owners, company accounts are a complex and confusing chore. When you consider the number crunching and jargon involved, it’s easy to understand why. However, once you get to grips with your company accounts and actually understand the figures involved, you benefit from a wealth of useful information. Understanding the overall financial health… Read more…

Resolving Tax Disputes

Tax disputes between HMRC and business owners can be arduous, stressful and time-consuming. Whilst some disputes are resolved within a reasonable time, with both sides satisfied with the outcome, this isn’t always the case. Discussions can break down, and it can feel like both parties are merely going in circles. When this happens, there are… Read more…

How to Stay HMRC Compliant

Whether it’s via direct communication or information on their website, HMRC tries to make it as easy as possible to comply with their guidelines. However, each and every year, they continue to collect billions of pounds from business, in fines, penalties and unpaid tax. Interestingly, the majority of investigations conducted are into smaller businesses and… Read more…

U-Deliver Launch

We are delighted to announce the launch of the U-Deliver website, a service designed to support logistics drivers and Delivery Services Providers. In the delivery world, efficiency is key. But for too long, drivers and delivery service providers have settled for inefficient bookkeeping and financial reporting systems. Now there’s a better way of managing accounting… Read more…

Everything you need to know about HMRC Tax Enquiries

The whole process of self-assessment can be complex and intimidating, especially due to the multiple deadlines and possible penalties involved. Therefore, receiving a letter from HMRC about a tax enquiry is naturally going to be worrying. However, the first step is to try not to panic. Why have I been contacted? There are a variety… Read more…

Budget offers welcome relief amid COVID-19

On 11 March, Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced a raft of measures designed to help businesses and individuals amid the coronavirus outbreak. Media headlines have focused on the £5 billion coronavirus response fund to bolster the NHS and other public services. An additional £7 billion in support for employers and employees will help mitigate the impact… Read more…